Radboud university medical center
Radboud university medical center (RUMC) is one of eight University Medical Centers in The Netherlands. RUMC combines patient care, research, and education/training and hosts three research institutes including the Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences. RIMLS is a leading multidisciplinary research institute within the domain of molecular mechanisms of disease and particularly in the fields of cell biology, molecular medicine, and translational research.
Role within BIOMAP
The Laboratory for Experimental Dermatology (Department of Dermatology, RUMC) will provide the infrastructure and expertise for experimental validation of biomarkers identified by BIOMAP (WP6), and to cover the functional and mechanistic studies on host-microbe interactions (WP4). The Laboratory for Experimental Dermatology has a long standing track record in the development and implementation of state-of-the-art organotypic skin models for skin disease pathogenesis drug discovery research, including models for psoriasis, atopic dermatitis and skin microbiome/infection.